No choice of choice

Former Beijing diplomatic academy vice-president, said the RenXiaoPing lady in her career, every step is arranged, their organizational no autonomy MBT Chapa. But in every post, she also have their own choice, that is to do better than others.
In 1968, the RenXiaoPing become a workers-peasants-soldiers students beiwaionline. She was the oldest, level, worst first lesson because can't answer questions and standing for a lesson. The next day, the classroom hung a banner "don't let a class brothers left behind," she is the 'class brothers'. But after graduation, she has become the whole grade is the best student.
After graduation from the university she was assigned to the British embassy do operator. To do a little operator, is a lot of people feel for the job. RenXiaoPing turn this ordinary work made the flowers. She put the embassy everybody's name, telephone, scope of work even their family names are back out. Some call coming in, something to do not know this find who, she would much ask, try to help him accurate MBT Fora. Hiring Slowly embassy personnel have gone out, not city tell their translation, but call her, tell her who will call, please turn what, there are many business affairs entrusted her notice, too RenXiaoPing become responsible for overall message points, big secretary.
One day, ambassador unexpectedly ran to the telephone booth, smiling praise her, this is unprecedented, results before long, she was broken for doing good work style to a British broadsheet reporters do translation.
The newspaper's chief reporter is a famous a big old woman, had ever medal, were awarded battlefield Lord, skill, temper also big. The former translation to driven off. Just began to also do not RenXiaoPing, despises her senior MBT Goti. Later reluctantly agreed to a try. A year later, the old lady often say to others: "my translation than your good 10 times". Soon the excellent work RenXiaoPing was exceptionally transferred to the United States embassy in offices, her work equally well, won the foreign ministry table award.

One cannot choose work, at least she always has the same can choose: is a good dry or him. In the same kind of work, some people diligent dedication, pay much, harvest is much also, some people always want to transfer good job, not do the matter in hand MBT Shoes Dicount. Actually such choice also determines the future is selected.

Par holyvitus le samedi 07 mai 2011


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