Cubs 3 Diamondbacks 1 F

W. Lilly (3-4) L. Haren(4-2) SV. Wood (6)

Recap: Cheap MBT Ema Ted Lilly struck out 10 and delivered an RBI single to help power the Cubs' victory over the D-backs. Derrek Lee added to the Cubs lead by hitting a HR in the 8th, his ninth homer of the year.Cheap MBT Fanaka  The Cubs didn't get much off of Dan Haren, but it was just enough and Ted Lilly pitched just as well and seems to be getting back on track. The Cubs are now 20-15 on the year.

Play of the Game: Derrek Lee's HR in the 8th
Player of the Game: Ted Lilly 7 IP 3H 1ER 10K, Cheap MBT Fora 1-2 RBI

Par holyvitus le samedi 09 avril 2011


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